80% of Erectile Dysfunction is caused by a lack of blood flow. Prime Medical Solutions uses Acoustic Wave Therapy as the main treatment to increase your blood flow to your Penis.

Acoustic Wave Therapy does two (2) things:

  1. We use a Storz Medical device to target the three (3) arteries that supply blood to the penis. These arteries are the two (2) Pudendal and the Dorsal arteries. As we age, we get deposits on the inner linings of ALL of our arteries not just the cardiac arteries. These deposits restrict the flow of blood to your Corpus Cavernosum and Corpus Spongiosum, which are smooth muscle structures within your penis which engorge with blood to produce an erection.

The acoustic waves break up the deposits within your arteries. Think of your blood vessels as pipes in your home. As your sink drain gets clogged it drains slower and slower until it just stops! You then use a plumbing snake or Draino to clear the clog. Well, there are no drain snakes for those arteries, and you should NEVER try to introduce Draino into your body. AWT is the answer to provide a means to clear your arteries of these plaque deposits and increase your blood flow.

Now you may be thinking what if a big flake of plaque breaks loose and goes to my heart or brain?! Well, this goes into your veinous system and goes to your liver for processing. Plus, while like all men we like to think that there must be BIG arteries that supply blood to our penis they are in fact quite small. Also, the acoustic waves break these deposits up microscopically. By clearing out these blood vessels we are increasing blood flow.

  • The second thing that acoustic waves do is they cause micro damage to the cells and tissues where we are treating. Your body responds to this damage with an inflammatory (or a healing) response. This healing response allows your body to rejuvenate and rebuild the circulatory system within your penis.

You do not have to worry that this damage is debilitating. Like we say it is MICRO damage. After your treatments we want you to go out, play with your dog, play a round of golf, or play around with your partner. It is all about blood flow and we want you to get your blood flowing.